February 23, 2015
Washington State’s Distracted Driving Law: The Hard Data
August 10, 2017
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According to the Accident Data Center (http://accidentdatacenter.com/us/washington), throughout the entire state of Washington in 2013 (latest year for which statistics have been compiled), there were:

  • 5,359,469 Licensed Drivers
  • 6,003,141 Registered Passenger Vehicles
  • 440,773 Speeding citations filed with Washington State Courts
  • 39,389 Cell phone and texting citations filed with Washington State Courts
  • 31,724 DUI and/or Physical Control of the Vehicle while under the Influence

There were 528 car accidents in Tacoma throughout the year, compared with 162 accidents in Spokane and 128 accidents in the Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick area.

When reduced to numbers, “528 car accidents” that might not sound too bad – only 2 accidents a day, on average, but think of all the money spent on getting cars fixed, the deaths or serious injuries involved, lives disrupted….and the statistic involved just might be you…

Defensive driving is the key to getting home each evening safe and sound. Of course some accidents really can’t be avoided (that’s why they’re called “accidents” after all) but defensive driving can prevent many accidents from happening. (If an accident does occur, Fife Towing may be able to help!)

Basically, defensive driving means paying attention to the road at all times – no texting or talking while driving – and establishing a routine of checking side mirrors and rear view mirrors every few seconds to see what the drivers around you are doing. And of course – don’t be a hazard on the road by drinking too much – always choose a designated driver if you’re out on the town, or know beforehand that you’re going to call a cab after you’ve had a certain amount of drinks.

And when you’re in a car – please wear your seatbelt!